Monday, March 19, 2012

Becoming a Complete Leader Part ll: Called by God

I remember when I was ten years old and I was chosen by a coach to play club soccer.  It was a special moment in my childhood and it felt amazing to think someone else wanted me.  I was recruited for a specific purpose (play halfback) on a specific team and due to my specific talents (left footed and could run forever).  I was pumped.

Leadership in God’s eyes is the same process.  He chooses specific people with specific leadership abilities in a certain time for certain people.  When we grasp this, it should bring a great sense of gratitude and encouragement to all of us in leadership. Without this type of calling, our leadership will wane.

Paul exemplifies this by starting out 1 & 2 Timothy with a reminder to his calling. In 1 Timothy 1:1 Paul writes of God's command for him to lead. Again in  2 Timothy 1:1  Paul shares that he is an apostle by God choosing him. Calling is so important that Paul repeatedly encourages Timothy (1 Timothy 6:20, 2 Timothy 1:6 & 2 Timothy 4:5) to remember his calling.

Why is calling important?  Because without it we will quit in difficulty, become timid with fear or be confused with lack of purpose.  Leading people is very difficult and draining.  Without a calling from God, we are leading in our own strength.  What helps us to lead people who have been hurtful?  When success is not apparent?  Or when the ministry feels overwhelming? By remembering God’s call on our lives.
In 2 Timothy 1:11-12, Paul writes, "And God chose me to be a preacher, an apostle and a teacher of this Good News.  That is why I am suffering here in prison.  But I am not ashamed of it, for I know the one in whom I trust, and I am sure that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to him..."
Notice how Paul can endure hardships. What looks like defeat to the world is just part of the ministry in Paul’s eyes. Since God called him, he could entrust his ministry to HIM knowing that HE is in control and allows the trials that every leader faces.

I have led small groups for almost twenty years. Many years were great experiences.  But to be honest, there have been quite a few difficult groups to lead.  What strengthened me to persevere was calling.  What helped me to not cancel certain nights when attendance was low; calling.  What helped me to love those who barely contributed to the group; calling.  What helped me to listen when people were rambling about immature things; calling.  Calling is about honoring God in our leadership even when others don’t honor us, the ministry or God.
2 Timothy 4:5, "Don't be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at telling others the Good News, and fully carry out the ministry God has given you."
So who does God call?  How do I know if I'm called?  Here are some biblical ways God calls people to leadership.  By the way, the more ways He communicates to us, the stronger and more clear the calling.

- Clear faithfulness to Jesus. God calls those to leadership who have already shown a love for Him and a love for people. Basic faithfulness (not perfection) in loving God and loving people gives opportunity for calling to leadership. That is why Paul writes in 1 Timothy 3:6-7 to give a person time before you put them in significant leadership.  Without faithfulness to Jesus, a person will not be faithful with his people. 

- Clear supernatural direction from God.  Billy Graham wrote in his autobiography that while at a camp in the mountains near L.A., he received a strong impression from God of what he was called to do in ministry. This type of supernatural calling happened to Moses in Exodus 3 and to Paul and Barnabas in Acts 13:1-3 as God called them in very unconventional ways . God can speak through a prophetic word, thoughts and impressions from the Holy Spirit or a deep conviction from hearing/reading of the scriptures. This doesn’t happen for everyone and leaders who experience this type of calling are not more spiritual than leaders who don’t.  It’s just the way God decided to communicate.

- Clear opportunities. Sometimes becoming a leader just falls into our laps by God's will.  In Acts 1:15-26, Matthias was chosen to replace Judas as an apostle by the rolling of dice.  Matthias was ready for that opportunity and so God chose him through circumstances and a good roll of the dice.  Sometimes we don't need a supernatural experience.  If we are prepared and the circumstances are in our favor, then jump in!!

- Clear giftedness. 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 says that the Holy Spirit gives gifts and that we should use them if we have them.  Paul was a leader before he was a Christian and he was a leader after he became a Christian.  The Holy Spirit can gift us by innately creating us to lead or empowering us after we become Christians.  Either way, if we have the gift of leading (meaning you can influence and mobilize people towards a goal), then God expects us to lead.

- Clear agreement amongst people. In Acts 6:1-6, the apostles told people to pick leaders who they respect and who are full of the Spirit and wisdom. Sometimes, leadership is just revealed to people and that's how someone knows they should lead. If a group of people says, “Lead us”, then it's probably God's way of calling us.

I didn’t mention this at the beginning, but when I played club soccer I had quite a few bad games.  In one championship game I missed an easy goal that would have given us the win.  What helped me to believe I could sill play the game?  My coach came up to me and spoke words into my heart that reminded me that he recruited me and still believed I was the right kid for the team.  That encouragement helped me to stay focused, keep practicing and not give up.  In the same way, my hope is for us to know with deep conviction, that God has called us into leadership which will encourage and sustain us in every way.

Take care,


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