Friday, October 15, 2010

Prayer Perspective

So I'm in a meeting with a friend in a tranquil and quiet area of Temecula. We walk outside to sit down and pray under the beautiful blue sky and to share about life and pray.  As we're praying for each other and our church, I'm completely enjoying the environment and the time of prayer.

And then it happens.  A group of birds (Not just any birds, loud crows) decided to start fighting and squwaking. I could barely hear our prayers and now I was getting angry that these birds were ruining a peaceful time of prayer.  So what do you do?

The pragmatic person says, "Get up and pray somewhere else". True, but I really want to be outside!! I could just pray louder and not let those birds win (Yes, I am competitive) in ruining my day.  After all, inconveniencing my life is what birds do. They purposefully perch themselves in trees by my bedroom window while screaming their mating calls as the sun begins to rise.  They relieve themselves on my car window the day after I wash my car. Worst of all, I have actually had a bird (Seagulls specifically) steal food right out of my hand!!  So no... I will not move, this is war!

Well, by now I am completely distracted and not even paying attention to our prayer time. As I was trying not to sin in my anger, I  remembered a similar circumstance while on a mission trip in Ethiopia.

The first night we arrived we were being kept up by a pack of street dogs barking loudly for hours.  We were exhausted from a twenty hour flight and the last thing we needed was to be up all night!! All of a sudden, the barks were getting fainter until they disappeared completely.  It was like they all ran away togther barking the whole time, running out of the city.

The next morning we gathered for breakfast and everyone shared the same experience.  Finally one of our leaders said, "I knew those dogs were being inspired to keep us up and tire us out.  So I prayed that God would send them away."  We all looked at each other in amazement- that is exactly what God did.  He sent the dogs away until we couldn't hear them.  He allowed us to sleep!!

So while my friend prayed I quietly prayed, "God, please shut those birds up so we can continue to pray with the right mind."  Within a few seconds they stopped.  I thanked God and thought, "That was easy".  And then the birds went right back at it!! Well, if they can't be quiet, at least send them away.  So I prayed that God would cause the birds to fly away.  Instantly, they all flew away with a few stragglers left behind, but even they stayed quiet.

For the next ten minutes we prayed in quietness and with greater focus.  God didn't have to answer my prayer, He chose to do it.  Honestly, I could have easily gotten up and moved somewhere else when the birds were making noise.  But why not ask God first to see if He'll take care of it?  If He doesn't, then I'll move.  But what keeps us from living like this daily?  Does this type of story have to be an anomaly in my life?

The Apostle Paul would challenge us with praying first and praying often in life. Pray because we are in a relationship with the most powerful being in the universe and maybe, just maybe, the supernatural will intersect with the natural. Is that not why Paul encourages us to pray often and in "all circumstances"?

The bible never promises you will bat 100%, that's not the goal of prayer.  The goal is to build a trusting and interactive relationship with God.  From that, you are able to witness His power and grace.  Notice how the early church prayed for Peter while in prison in Acts 12 and then he miraculously escaped.  Yet in Acts 4, he stayed in jail and was flogged before being released like any other person.  Was the church not praying for him then?  Of course they were.  Their prayers were not answered in Acts 4, but they stayed persistent and faithful and witnessed God's power in Acts 12. 

Without prayer, God is a historical figure and distant.  He becomes more mythological than real.  So we read the bible and wish that our lives would resemble just a little of what we are reading. Throwing up a prayer in case he is real, but not faithfully trusting him everyday in every aspect of our lives.  We know God like we know facts of the civil war, which does nothing to generate a passionate relationship. I just don't think I can live that way.

God did not impress me when He caused those birds to leave nor was I impressed with myself.  What Jesus did on the cross impresses me.  What Jesus did on the cross not only impresses me, it compels me.  Because the same power that resurrected Jesus is in me.  So no, I'm not surprised my miracles or answered prayers, God's been doing it for thousands of years.  Why would He stop now?  Why should we stop now?

For a biblical view on prayer, check out these passages:

Genesis 24:1-50... Notice how the servant asked for a practical way to know who the bride would be
Genesis 25:21-22... Prayers coming from basic life struggles, God does care.
1 Samuel 12:23... Notice how serious Samuel took prayer
2 Kings 4:8-36... Notice how Elisha had to pray multiple times for the boy.  First prayer did some good, more prayer fully revitalized the boy.
2 Kings 20:1-6... Amazing how Hezekiah's prayers effected God.
Nehemiah 1-2:9... Notice not just what he prayed about but how he prayed and how often, even while talking to a King.
Proverbs 28:9 / James 1:5-8 / James 4:2-3 / 1 Peter 3:7... Not all prayers are heard by God
Daniel 10:1-14... A little "behind the scenes" of what happens with prayer and spiritual warfare
Mark 9:14-29... Some things change only through prayer, not human effort
Mark 1:35 / Luke 5:16 / Luke 6:12... No explanation needed; will we follow his example?
Luke 9:29... The Lord promises we will look better if we pray :)  Obviously kidding, just making sure you're awake
Acts 10:1-4... Notice how both his prayers and his acts of love combined brought favor from the Lord.
Acts 13:1-3... Notice it was the leaders of the church who gathered to fast and pray and the result was a new ministry.  Good challenge for leaders today.  Maybe we should pray to God instead of relying on business books and people's opinions?
Acts 16:22-25... Did you get that??  They were beaten and within hours in jail, praying and singing!!
Philippians 4:6... Imagine how different our lives would be if we took this passage literally.
James 5:16... Key words, powerful and effective.  That's what your prayers are- do you believe God's word?
3 John 1:2... It's OK to pray for basic things, not just the biggies.  It's cool to see John pray like this.